Ion Cleanse Foot Detox

tox-i-cant |tok-sih-kent| noun: A toxic substance introduced into the environment, such as a pesticide. The term “toxin,” while not the same, has become popularly synonymous to “toxicant.”
In short, toxins are harmful to your body. Your body has systems in place to address toxicity, including the liver, lungs, kidneys, colon, and the lymphatic system. However, exposure to toxins in our environment is at historic highs and there is a lot of evidence that our bodies cannot handle the toxins on their own. The CDC released a 2018 report with updated tables on the levels of over 300 chemicals found in our bodies. High levels of flame retardants (chemicals linked to cancer) have even been found in the breast milk of women across the country.
Ions neutralize oppositely charged particles.
IONCLEANSE’s goal is to free up and mobilize toxins that we have stored in the body. Once this happens the IONCLEANSE helps eliminates the toxins from the body
- To free up (mobilize) toxins that are stored in the body. Once these toxins are mobilized, the IONCLEANSE system can help eliminate these toxins from the body.
- We all get rid of toxins everyday by: Breathing, peeing, sweating, crying & poop, the ion cleanse is now one more way to rid the body of toxins.
- When we have toxin overload the toxins get stored in our body, with the Ion Cleanse by AMD, we now have a way to mobilize them and elimate them.
The IonCleanse® by AMD’s proprietary and patented technology results in only biocompatible electrical frequencies entering the water. This elicits a relaxation response. Concurrently, these frequencies create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the healing power of ions. The IonCleanse® process ionizes the water as H2 0 is split into OH- and H+ ions. These ions attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins. After a session, the user feels calm, relaxed, and focused. Typical session times vary from 10-30 minutes, primarily based upon age.
- Promotes General Wellness. The cleaner the body is internally, the better other therapies may work, including nutrition, chiropractic, and more.
- Helps with Brain Fog Feel like the best version of yourself.
- Calm, confident, clear, and focused.
- More Energy. Many notice more constant energy through the day.
- Better Sleep / More Relaxed. The IonCleanse by AMD initiates a relaxation response, and often helps customers achieve better sleep.
Any person falling into one or more of these categories should NOT
use the IonCleanse® by AMD:
- Wearers of a pacemaker, or any other battery operated or
electrical implant. - Pregnant or nursing women.
- Those on heartbeat regulating medication and/or blood
thinners. - Organ transplant recipients.
- Those on medication, the absence of which would cause
mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes,
seizures, etc.
For more information or interested in booking call/text: 210-637-9539
Link for full article:
All information has been provided by training material from AMD A Major Difference
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